Gaining Scale Training Closes Season One With Session 14

"Today we completed season one of the ‘Gaining scale enterprise training series’ for young people starting their business. What begun 14 months ago as a productivity enhancement training module for the Tomosi Group team has so far reached over 2000 young Entrepreneurs and helped them with tools to run their businesses effectively.
Today’s topic. “What hinders effective execution in an enterprise” was the climax of the season after covering 13 topics that underpins running a successful business. We now take a ‘sabbatical’ leave for two months to put our training materials in production and translation before we move to the countryside.
We awarded certificates to over 40 participants that have consistently attended the sessions and applied the principles therefrom. Mr. Pradip Karia, a seasoned entrepreneur who began his real estate business with his father at the age of 16, presided over the event and gave inspiration and encouragement to the participants.
I deeply thank the Tomosi Foundation and the team at our office that I work with at Portbell for supporting these sessions with both their time and resources.
For those who want to partner and support this work, please email Winnie at"