Influencers To Become Contributors In The PR World

This trend is one that has gained momentum this year. The conversation about influencer marketing has evolved in 2017 as more organizations and PR agencies leverage influencers as on-going contributors. Finding authentic advocates who actually connect with their followers and your target audience is the new guide. Celebrities and influencers just looking for a check won’t be a priority for most companies. The much-reported backlash against influencer marketing is more about its evolution and why in 2017, authentic voices will take the spotlight and deliver results for brands.
These trends will have a significant impact on PR pros throughout. Are there other factors in play as well? Of course, but there’s simply not space to list them all. For example, social media is still a juggernaut of a communications channel. Identifying the best platform for you or your clients is critical. Measurement also remains a challenge and will be a priority for both agencies and in-house PR departments.
Let us now consider the lessons learned in the past years. Communications professionals across the world saw many unexpected turns and twists, which have resulted in new challenges, but new opportunities as well