MAK Veterinary Students Get Free Gaining Scale Lecture

This morning Mr. Odrek Rwabwogo had a pu­blic lecture with ve­terinary students at the College of Vete­rinary Medicine, Ani­mal Resources and Bi­odiversity in associ­ation with Africa In­stitute for Strategic Animal Services and Development, AFRIS­A, Makerere Universi­ty.
It was session 7 of the ongoing Gaining Scale Business Teach­ing Series themed, ‘Finance Basics For Non-Finance Managers’.
The lecture started at 10am and ended at 1pm at the College’s Media Center Hall. It was overseen by the students Head of training, Dr. Micha­el Kansiime.
It was a fun-filled interactive lecture that ended with a qu­estion and answer se­ssion and a group ph­oto to wrap up the day.